Thursday, March 13, 2008

Welcome to my World!

So I'm 9 days away from the end of my Stanford undergraduate career and from the start of an epic trip through some of the (arguably) most exciting cities in Europe. I have to admit that everything seems a bit surreal right now. Obviously, I'm excited to go to Europe, I just can't believe that I'm going to be gone for so long! At the end of the day, I know that this is going to be a wonderful experience and I can't wait to finally be on that plane, particularly after suffering through all these damn papers and exams. Everyone says I'm going to miss Stanford once I'm gone, but I can promise you that I won't be missing finals week ;).
Anyway, I'll be leaving the 22nd of March for a nine-day stint in Rome. From there I'll be headed to Casa Blanca, Morocco for four days with the lovely Josephine Anderson. I'll follow that up with a week in fair Paris, and then end my escapade with four days in London. I'll then move on to NYC to spend some days with Kate, and then end my travels with a week-long stint in Houston with the parental units.
I'm off to bed with three papers and two exams to look forward to in the coming days. Oh joy!

Best of luck with finals,

P.S. I'll hopefully have my first post up on the 23rd--until then, aurevoir mes amis!

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