Wednesday, March 26, 2008


..might be the best thing ever invented. I'm finding myself constantly searching for a good nap, particularly after a day walking around the city.

Today was a little less hectic than most, with the group visiting three churches and the Jewish museum before an evening lecture series. Maybe I'm indulging in nap time a little too much--I found that I slept through dinner last night--and maybe I should try and temper it a bit. But on the other hand, this IS the start of my vacation, so I think I may deserve time to relax ;)

Also I found that I have, so far, done the minimum necessary to graduate in all of my classes. I'll have my degree conferred on the 3rd of April, which seems frighteningly soon. The sooner I have my name on that degree, the better.

In other news, I am rather irritated by the guy Alex who is part of the continuing studies group that's also here on the trip to Rome. He's this scrawny CS Engineer at Google who lacks personality and makes up for it by being creepy and really awkward. He's 25 and a non-Stanford student. He asks stupid questions and has little to no sense of humor. Lastly, he follows girls around and makes them feel uncomfortable, including me.

Sadly for him, his roommate is a horrible snorer and Alex is having a hard time sleeping. The coordinator of the trip asked me (because I'm the only one with a single) to see if I would mind sharing a room with him. I mean, I feel bad for the guy, I really do. And if I could help him avoid having to spend an extra 1800 on this trip I would, but the thing is he makes me feel so freaking uncomfortable. He looks at me weird, he makes stupid jokes, and more than anything, he's an annoying little douche. So, I refused the coordinator's suggestion, and now Alex has to make do with his snoring roommate. I feel really bad, but at the same time, I know that spending extended time with him, especially in a sleeping situation, would ruin my time here in Rome. I know I did the right thing, I'm just hoping I can get over my Catholic guilt soon ;)

Otherwise, things are good. Sorry for the rant, but this thing with docuhe bag has really been consuming my thoughts...

Hope all is well!


PS--I slept through dinner again. Fuck.


Daniela said...

Interesting post. I have been wondering about this issue,so thanks for posting. I’ll likely be coming back to your blog. Keep up great writing.

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Unknown said...

This was a very informative post concerning sleep and the issues of sharing space with others. I know I enjoy a nap during the day to break up the time spent on my business, New Orleans Escorts.